class: center, middle, front # Puppet @ Gandi DevOps Taiwan Meetup November 2016 --- # mose ( 莫測 ) - DevOps at Gandi Asia since 2014 - Taiwanese since 2008 - - ??? more on: - - - also Editor in Chief ---  - Configuration Management Framework - extensible and modular - not orchestrator - not lightweight - written in Ruby (and some clojure) - ??? and of course totally open-source - Puppet Company facts: - founded in 2005 - 400+ employees in 5 office - HQ in Portland, Oregon - 30,000 organizations use puppet - NASA, Redhat, Intel, Sony, etc ... - *source* ---  - Domain Names Registrar, 2M domains - Hosting VPS, PaaS, Mail - 1,600 servers in 4 Datacenters - Debian, Nexenta and FreeBSD - 15 devops in charge - Created in 2001 in France. Taipei in 2014 - ??? more Gandi facts - offices in Paris, Luxembourg, San Francisco and Taipei - 150 employees - support 24/24, 6 days per week in english, french and chinese - **no bullshit** - as a way of life --- ## Why Puppet at Gandi - Gandi started using puppet in 2009 - Gandi is more a python shop - but puppet is (almost) language agnostic - .. with a complete DSL - Debian packaging (debian/nexenta) - or FreeBSD pkg-ng - deployment is a done by system update - ... with Puppet --- ## Puppet specificities - nodes pull configuration and send facts to a central puppetmaster - DSL is simple - Descriptive and Idempotent - Popular and widely supported ??? - Gandi is a python shop, no ruby ninjas available (or, only one) - we got 4 puppetmasters for redundancy - custom flask application to get gitlab hooks and pull new code on puppetmasters --- ## How Puppet at Gandi - usage of Hiera - inventory in ENC - custom modules - puppet 3.6 with puppetdb - puppet code is in internal Gitlab - automated validation with jenkins - arbitrary branches (environment) - gitlab workflow with MRs - monitoring with Nagios ??? This is the result of 7 years of evolution - 2009 -> only few people use it because lack of clear conventions - 2010 -> it's a mess - 2011 -> simple module template - 2014 -> integration of the monitoring inside puppet - 2015 -> use of yaml ENC files, normalization of modules, CI validations --- ## How it works ``` .-------------. | environment |---------------------------. '-------------' | | .----------. .--------------. | | | ENC file |--------| farm_modules | | | '----------' '--------------' | | | | | | | | | | .------------. .---------. | | | hiera file | | module1 | | .------------. | | hiera file | | module2 |--------> | puppet run | | | hiera file | | module3 | | '------------' | '------------' '---------' | | | | | | '------> params -----' | '---------------------------------------' ``` - most runs are still manual ??? - Environment is not dev/stage/prod, it is about branches and MRs - each node/server has one ENC - we have 1600 ENC files - we begin to cron puppet runs for microservices servers - we begin to use Ansible for orchestration and run puppet on several hosts as an alternative to mcollective (as Ansible can perform arbitrary actions along the way) --- ## External Nodes Classifier - declaration of what farm the node is in - definition of what params apply ```bash $ cat enc/ --- classes: - consulnode # <-- farm_modules/consulnode/manifests/init.pp parameters: country: lu # <-- params/country/lu.yaml datacenter: dc2 # <-- params/datacenter/dc2.yaml farm: consulnode # <-- params/farm/consulnode.yaml ``` ??? - we use real FQDN for the name of each ENC file, so they are easy to find --- ## Hiera Config ```yaml :backends: - yaml :hierarchy: - "nodes/%{fqdn}" - "farm_datacenter_flavor/%{farm}_%{datacenter}_%{farm_flavor}" - "farm_datacenter_step/%{farm}_%{datacenter}_%{step}" - "farm_datacenter/%{farm}_%{datacenter}" - "farm_flavor_step/%{farm}_%{farm_flavor}_%{step}" - "farm_flavor/%{farm}_%{farm_flavor}" - "farm_step/%{farm}_%{step}" - "farm/%{farm}" - "room/%{room}" - "datacenter_virtualdc/%{datacenter}_%{virtualdc}" - "datacenter/%{datacenter}" - "country/%{country}" - "os-lsb/%{operatingsystem}-%{lsbdistcodename}" - "os/%{operatingsystem}" - "common/common" :merge_behavior: deeper ``` ??? - if a parameter is not set, the params file is ignored - if the params file is not there, it is just not used, without blocking anything - the 'common' params file is the base all-hosts params file --- ## Hiera file example ```yaml apt_config: experimental: enabled: "true" monitoring_config: default: host: contact_groups: "stage_platform" service: contact_groups: "stage_platform" ``` ??? - this is an example of a node params file - on 1600 ENC files only 843 have node params files, the others just follow default farms configuration --- ## Hiera(rchy) ```bash [-] (merged) [0] params/farm_datacenter/monworker_dc2.yaml [1] params/farm/monworker.yaml [2] params/datacenter/dc2.yaml [3] params/os/Debian.yaml [4] params/common/common.yaml [1] collectd_config.additional_plugins ["tcpconns"] [3] collectd_config.generic_plugins ["vmem"] [3] collectd_config.plugin_disk ["/^sd/"] [1] monitoring_config.dependencies ["libsnmp-ruby1.8", "rpcbind"] [0] monitoring_config.services_nrpe.proc_worker_bissen-master-pra.check_command check_procs -u nagios -c 3: -a worker_bissen-master-pra [0] monitoring_config.services_nrpe.proc_worker_bissen-master-pra.use generic-service [-] monworker_classes ["gandi_hosting_vm"] [0] monworker_classes ["gandi_hosting_vm"] [1] monworker_classes [] ... ``` ??? Sample of output of [Hieracles]( - it shows where what param is defined, in which file - it also reveals how the params override is handled from which files --- ## Farm_modules - 310 modules (all custom) ```bash # consulnode farm class consulnode { include base_modules include ssmtp include sysctl include snmpd include collectd include monitoring include consul # <-- modules/consul/ } ``` ??? - Farms are like a family or a category of servers - the name of the farm is (usually) the name of the classes file listing modules - we have 2 subcategories that we call **flavor** and **step** --- ## Modules ```bash modules/consul ├── files │ └── default ├── manifests │ ├── config.pp │ ├── cron.pp │ ├── files.pp │ ├── init.pp │ ├── install.pp │ └── service.pp ├── README └── templates └── default └── etc ├── consul.d │ └── 42-gandi.json.erb └── default └── consul.erb ``` ??? - we have some scripts to create new modules according to a strict template - all modules have same base manifest files - `config.pp` contains definition of erb templates - `cron.pp` defines cron jobs - `files.pp` lists files and directory creations that are not templated (no variables) - `init.pp` initializes the params from Hiera for usage in templates - `install.pp` lists packages that need to be installed (or removed) - `service.pp` manages start and stop of services --- ## Manifests ```ruby # consul::files handles static/blob files class consul::files inherits globals::files { motd::register{ $name: } # default options for file provider File { require => Class['consul::install'], notify => Class['consul::service'] } file { '/srv/consul': ensure => directory, owner => 'consul', group => 'consul'; } } ``` ??? - this is not really ruby code, but the Puppet DSL - the `motd::register` will add this module name in the motd - that way when we ssh on the server we see what is its configuration --- ## Extra Puppet Tools - Facter (gets facts) - Puppetdb (can be curl'ed) - Mcollective (batch operations) - Hieracles (CLI to find hierarchy overrides) - Hieraviz (hieracles in a web browser) - Ansible (yeah, for provisioning and orchestration) ??? - facter - puppetdb - mcollective - hieracles - hieraviz - we also tried Foreman but we abandoned it - see for another case of using Ansible alongside Puppet --- class: center, middle, front Thanks! # Any question? ??? - Deeper presentation with more advanced details on - this presentation is made with Remark